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September 17, 2018
Staying sane During a House Move

Moving into a house or apartment can be a stressful time. There are phone calls to make to change utilities, packing up, people to tell, paperwork to fill out to change addresses and let’s not forget, the move itself!

Here are some tips to stay healthy and sane when you get ready to move.
  1. First of all, make a list! If you are not a naturally organized person, ask for help. If you are a tenant, your landlord can clue you into important things to remember about leaving your place rent-ready and getting geared up with utilities and the neighborhood at your new place. The internet is a great resource also, for finding moving lists.
  2. If possible, overlap your move by paying extra rent or making a deal with a buyer so you have a week to leisurely move stuff and clean. If you try to do it all in one day, you will put undue stress on yourself and your family.
  3. Ask for help. Instead of trying to do everything, now is the time to tap into your family and friendships. Most people are willing to donate an hour to carrying boxes or helping you take down pictures and wrapping dishes. And pizza is a great motivator on the big day to reward people who come to help.
  4. Most importantly, take care of yourself. A move can wreak havoc on your eating/drinking/exercising schedule. Try to keep to your usual events as much as possible and pay particular attention to drinking enough water to stay hydrated. Remember to breathe. When things get crazy in the middle of the move, take a moment to do some mindful, deep breaths. It sounds weird, but it works!
  5. Reward yourself after the move. Positive feedback is important for everyone, including yourself! Just as you might reward yourself with a new outfit after losing ten pounds, rewarding yourself with something new for your new home or apartment is a great way to feel excited about your new place and to pat yourself on your back for a job well done.

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By Wendy Myers February 4, 2020
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